owh yeah!! Arini mood muvi lak…yela sj je nk cite pasal muvi ni.. yela drpd korg tgk cite2 yg x berfaedah musim cuti skolah ni baik tgk cite yg can give sumting value n knwledge kt kte kn??cite ni x best tp interesting la pd aku..yela drpd kte asik tgk cite yg kt tv je yg blik2 cite antu antu antu antu..bengang aku xde cite lain da…so baik tgk cite ni..sbb dia mengisahkn pasal astronomi yg hidup pada zaman
aku xtau la sama ade message dlm cite ni based on exact facts atau pun x tp cite ni sgt la relevant for today and must see across generations..sbbnye dia ade byk value yg bole di jadikn pengajaran..kalo nk tgk macm mane pagan atau jahiliah zaman dlu bole la tgk cite ni..mcm mane hidup jews atau org yahudi, Christian n pagan yg most of them ade high ethnocentrism..high power distance n mcm2 lg..kalo high power distance tu bese la sbb Malaysian culture pun high power distance kn..:)
the best part yg aku suke dlm cite ni bile hypatia is on the verge of discovering mcm mane the earth rotates around the sun, in a world where everyone still believes the earth is flat, dlm cite ni la. This puts her at chances with all the religious fundamentals in her city. But she seems determined to prove her point by experimenting with gravity while practically dia unaware to the battles raging around her. Tu la yg bgsnye pasal hypathia lantak la korg nk begaduh ke nk telentang ke menonggeng ke janji dia ngn keje dia that’s mean dia ade low uncertainty avoidance yg hanya belief in expert and their knowledge, which is she is not belief with any religious because they only believe in science and their own philosophy and not concern about the religion whether Christian or Jew.
Tp the biggest mistake dlm cite ni the director terlalu byk sgt focus on religious conflict aku rse dlm first 45 minutes aku da rse overwhelm and fascinated with fear by the conflict between the pagans and the Christians sbbnye this film is more emphasize about the love and the conflict between pagan and Christian. Ok cukup la..aku rse aku da byk mengarut dalam bahasa omputih arini nape ntah..mgkn angin sawan gile dtg kot..