sori le..letak pic heechul lak..hehehe..kiut la awk ni..<3
if he calls u and ur phone is off, he thinks u r cheating..then he sends a sms saying "don't tell me the baterry story coz i know that line"
if u treat him nicely, he says u r TOO IN LOVE, moving too fast;
if u don't , he says u r PROUD.
if u DRESS NICELY, he says u r trying to LURE other men,
if u don't he says u r RURAL.
if u ARGUE with him, he says u r STUBBORN, too manly;
if u keep QUIET, he says u have no BRAINS, a walkover;
if u SMARTER than him, u r a SHOW OFF;
if he SMARTER than u, he is GREAT.
if dun LOVE him, he tries to POSSESS u;
if u LOVE him , he takes u FOR GRANTED (very true huh?)
if u dun MAKE LOVE to him, he says u DON'T LOVE him,
if u DO, he says u r CHEAP
if u tell him ur PROBLEMS, he says u r TROUBLE;
i u dun, he says u DON'T TRUST him
if u SCOLD at him, he says u r treating him like a CHILD;
if he SCOLD u, it is because he CARES for u (phuliiizzzz)
if u BREAK ur PROMISE, u cannot be TRUSTED;
if he BREAKS his, it is circumstnaces beyond his CONTROL (yeah!! rite!!)
if u SMOKE, u r BAD girl,
if he SMOKE, he is GENTLEMEN.
if u do WELL in ur career, its LUCK;
if he does WELL, its definitely BRAINS. (luck???)
if u HURT him, u r CRUEL;
if he HURTS u, he says u r too SENSITIVE!!
how we supposed to get right????
if u tell this to guys, they will swear that it's not true....but if u dun, they say u r selfish...
the moral of the story is tell this to guys out there anyway....tell it to girls also, make them feel good, coz its freaking damn very true!!!!
hahahaHA... sbnrye aku dpt benda ni smlm dari dr.ismadi..dia anta sms hehehe
nak mamat korea je...
mamat melayu ni tak cukup ensem ape hahaha =p
uiks..x ckp pum mamat melayu x ensem..:P
oit... tahik mung dr ismadi... sepak kang...
kikiki...lek suda...dlm hp mmg aku letak nama tu pun..kate bakal doc..ape salahnye aku letak..*peace*
mamat korea kew..mamat melayu ke..sama je..orang jugak..tp mamat korea lg ensem kot..haha;P luv heechul 4eva;P
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