hye peeps..hurm..still mood raya lg dan merdeka jugak ..tp bile da start keje rsenye da kurg skit mood tu..so berita baru i dpt keje sbg tukang kebun skrg JD dia menggunting bunga memotong rumput menyapu sampah dan mengelap lantai..hehehehe....x best sgt..tolong mak kt kdai lg best..bile kt tmpt keje je msti terfikir cm mane la agaknye mak aku kt kdai bole ke dia nk handle kalo org ramai...hurm..mcm tu la tetiap ari..so bile ade free time aku leh tolong omma ngn abah kt kedai..mksdnye weekend je la..
Sebenarnye i juz want to be like my omma even she is hurting or in dificullty she still sturdy in every phase of her life..actually am very lucky bcos i was indulge with a couple of parents and siblings n of cos my lovely crewz Oog.. i really miss them damn much..they owez beside me while am going through my hard times..i hv no aprrehension on my family's unreserved love.